
世界著名食物標誌 World Famous Food@ 墨西哥菜 La Boca Latino Bar

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墨西哥菜 Mexican Food

在吉隆坡Pavilion 的外国餐厅有不少,三楼其中有家做拉丁美洲食物,名闻的La Boca Latino Bar,是我常来地方。为容易记,尽管叫它“老婆佳”。

The Kuala Lumpur Pavilion has a number of foreign restaurants, the third floor has restaurant famous in Latin American food called La Boca Latino Bar. Easy to remember, “La Boca”.

波士Alfredo Hernandez 是古巴人,有点胖,凡事像家里太座喜欢亲力亲为,认为是种享受,相信当店里伙计比老板还舒服。

Boss Alfredo Hernandez is a Cuban, a little fat, everything like to hands-on.

见他挑选食材,原味把芒果、草莓切丁,添以带子、黑贝加莱姆,即柠汁凉拌成秘鲁海鲜沙拉Ceviche De Viera & Mejillones,铺在烤脆木薯片,作为配菜不同形式的面包吃法,飞快便想起水果酱。给我一个人吃不多,多一个人就不够吃。

The boss is selecting some ingredients, put in mango, strawberry slices, scallop and lime juice and stir into Peru Seafood Salad (Ceviche De Viera & Mejillones), put on the crispy tapioca slices, taste like jam bread.

须知墨西哥美食发展在印地安菜基础上,原本就没什菜肴。如这盘Tamales Mexican材料,是拿玉米糕融进炒过辣酱的廋鸡肉丝里,烤熟包进香蕉叶。当然毋会忘记要搭以橄榄油爆香孜然、芫茜、洋葱碎、番茄、酸奶油、辣椒粉煮起豆类。有米饭、豆、面饼、辣椒这四种菜料,绝对是标准墨西哥菜,甚至家中厨余都可替代。豆像罐头茄汁豆、肉似干咖喱鸡。想开工厂绝没问题。

Mexico food origin from American Indian food, not much cuisine. The ingredients of Tamales Mexican are stir-fried corn cake with chili sauce and chicken meat slices. After grill, wrapped in a banana leaf. The bean sauces made by olive oil that saute with parsley, onion, tomatoes, sour cream, chili powder. Four kind of foods in a plate such as rice, beans, bread, chili, absolutely standard Mexican Food. The meat taste like dried curry chicken and beans like canned tomato sauce bean.

至于委内瑞拉Arepas De Carne是用洋葱、番茄、辣椒丝同牛肉松,先入搅拌机打匀,再混小茴香酱夹玉米面饼进烤炉烘熟,接着起锅将磨烂香蕉煮蓉蘸着吃。有牛肉松配碟边薯条,岂止似马来叁峇那么简单,而玉米饼皮跟西班牙煎蛋饼、印度煎饼、中东面饼口感接近,看来几世纪前,已有美食外交。

For cuisine Venezuela Aprepas De Carne’s ingredients are onion, tomatoes, chili slices, beef floss. Blench the four ingredients and mixed with cumin sauce. Put the mixture into corn bread and grill in oven. Eat the bread with banana sauce. Beer floss put together with French fries.

阿根廷甜品Alfajores 一盘三份,有奶油、朱古力曲奇饼两块及咖啡奶酒,使胃口和口味更易接受彼此的爱.

Argentine Dessert Alfajores, cream, two piece of chocolate cookies and coffee milk wine.

等菜,波士Alfredo Hernandez转至吧台替我们调了杯鸡尾酒Margarita,跟007詹士邦说的要搅拌不要摇动,是指它较适宜tequila龙舌兰酒与柠檬汁,除非很浓,才得上下摇下、摇下。比照片里伟大的朝鲜领袖,金正恩教兵仔用手枪打飞机,表演得还出神入化。

While I am waiting for the dishes, Boss Alfredo Hernandez bartending a cocktail Margarita, like James Bond said, don’t shake but stir, because this method more suitable to Tequila and lime juice.

另种西班牙啤酒Ambar Export可用酒量试试。

You can try another Spanish Beer Ambar Export.

墨西哥啤酒Corona Extra4.6%酒精,低,拼命不怕。

Mexican Beer Corona Extra, alcohol content about 4.6 %.

马来西亚霹雳怡保东区国会议员苏建祥,大马美食家廖城兰,Boss Alfredo Hernandez

La Boca Latino Bar
Pavillion Kuala Lumpur
地址:Lot.C3.10.03,  Level 3, 168, Jln Bukit Bintang,55100 Kuala  Lumpur.
GPS:(101.708359, 3.144507)

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