咸鱼蒸活鱼 Fresh Fish Steamed with Salted Fish
简单招牌菜食谱 Simple Cooking Tips- 马来西亚美食 MALAYSIA FOOD 咸鱼蒸活鱼 Fresh Fish Steamed with Salted Fish
材料跟足,烹调由人,又不是练神功,试多几次,两、三下步骤,EASY JOB! 把人家招牌菜煮熟!
材料跟足,烹调由人,又不是练神功,试多几次,两、三下步骤,EASY JOB! 把人家招牌菜煮熟!
Simple Cooking Tips
Cooking is an art and there is no such thing as a right or wrong recipe.Feel free to put variations into the dishes you and your loved one enjoy.
有没试过咸鱼翻生味道?那是种从梅香咸鱼在活石斑身上散发。做法先 刨鳞、洗净抹干,摆盘,在鱼肚塞入咸鱼,姜丝铺面蒸8分钟。这条鱼得趁热,很会抢饭吃。
Fresh Fish Steamed with Salted Fish
Remove the scale and rinse the fish,drain well. Arrange on the heatproof
steaming plate.Put in “Mui Heong”salted fish in the stomach of fish, top with
shredded ginger,steam it at high heat for 8 minutes.
You also can use slice fish to steam with
the salted fish, ingredients all same.But be aware ,don’t use over salted fish. It will effect the freshness taste of fish.